A Little Weekly Reviewing

Authored on
Sun, 01/19/2025 - 11:56

Looking back on the week, the overarching theme seemed to be balancing discipline with joy and prioritization. There was a lot of focus on tweaking of the flows. Songs for 1000s of cats, to-do app/gtd, and even wiki for work all got smoothed out.

There was an undercurrent of appreciating control and structure to achieve goals.


Listened to so many amazing albums this last week. There were a few that had some whoa-ments.

At the Five Spot Vol. 1 
Eric Dolphy feat. Booker Little, Mal Waldron, Richard Davis & Ed Blackwell 

Dissonance rules. This album has dissonance wonderfully blended with sweetness and sadness. I love live jazz album that make you feel like you are in a tiny club.

In the Land of Grey and Pink 

Columbia Singles 
Susan Christie

These two albums came out decades before their times. From what I read about both is that people completely didn't get it when they were released. It's like two indie albums hatched way before the rest of the eggs.

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