Authored onBody
It was the last day of the 30 day animation class yesterday. Waking up today with no animation assignment in my inbox is an odd feeling.
There was a survey at the end of it asking about what I learned. I think the thing that is sticking with me about the class is not going into an animation without a plan.
Before starting the course, I would go into an animation and start drawing frame one and then frame two. After the class, I know the animation technique deeper. I can get a point across with a lot fewer frames.
Authored onBody
I setup an Apple shortcut that randomly selects a drum rudiment from a list of 80 stored in Data Jar. It's cool to have one rudiment to figure out each day instead of a huge, daunting list of all of them. I have a drum pad and sticks in the office so I can zone out and play the rudiment a little bit all day.
I find that if you do a minute here and there all day, the practice time really adds up. A fifteen minute practice session feels like a task. One minute micro sessions fifteen times doesn't.