Cyborg Capture

Authored on
Tue, 08/06/2024 - 08:52

Through years of flipping back and forth between paper and digital for idea capturing, I know I am into digital a lot more. But I absolutely love crossing off things on a list with a pencil or crumpling up a note when it is completed.

Woke up today thinking I need to cyborg my idea capturing system so that I can enjoy both digital and analog. So I took a ton of scrap paper and cut it all up into approximately business card size. All ideas will start on a scrap and then will get reviewed to see which ones will graduate to digital storage.


  • Ideas incubate for a while
  • Ideas get looked at at least twice
  • Paper and pencils get used so i can get more paper and pencils
  • Less digital clutter


  • Extra steps capturing ideas
  • Risk losing ideas that I might find useful not now but later

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