Half-Time Shuffle

Authored on
Sat, 11/16/2024 - 13:30

There is a drum beat called a Half-Time Shuffle. Lots of drummers crow about the difficulty of this beat. I will pause as you go look it up on Youtube or wherever.

[hold music]

I decided to get my head around this beat. When I stripped away all the ornaments and mythology around it (ghost notes, shuffle, clips of legendary 1970s drummers, etc.), it wasn't so daunting.



R = right hand on Hi-Hat
L = left hand on Snare
B = R an L at the same time
K = kick drum


  1. RLR is the easy part. BLR is the tricky part. I worked on those two for a while separately.
  2. Looped RLR RLR. Fun to zone out and do that part for a while.
  3. Looped BLR RLR. Found it less tricky when you start with the both hands part.
  4. Looped RLR RLR BLR RLR. Did this veeeeerrrrrry slowly at first. Let my mind and hands get used to when success sounds and feels like. Then ramped up the tempo.
  5. Added the kick.


  • Every L should be a ghost note. Didn't worry about that.
  • This should be played with a shuffle feel. Didn't worry about that either.

Getting the beat up in the air is more important than making it shiny. I can polish it up later when the muscle memory is solid.

Beats like these are legendary for a reason. I may never use it for anything but the skills needed to play a beat like this level up my playing forever. Not a lot of chances to use half time shuffles in punk songs, but that "BLR" section in this beat is effing genius. It's one of those patterns that can reset your hands back to normal if you drum yourself into a corner.

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