
  • Authored on

    There was a weird amount of streetcar riding in my dream last night. Enough that I looked up "trolley" on a dream meaning website *.

    Looks like it means that I am open-minded, starting to take a new journey in life, and are taking little steps toward your goals and pacing yourself.

    Wonder where I am headed to?

    * For fun

  • Authored on

    Scraps of paper are RAM and notebooks are ROM. I had a bunch of small notebooks that sat on a shelf unused for a couple years. I tore them up into scrap paper and now it's almost all used up. For me, putting something into book form is really inhibiting. When I switched to scraps of paper, ideas started flowing like water.


Current Pencil

  • Hardness: F
  • Maker: Standard Products Craftsman Pencil

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